Horoscope in depth Report with Finance, Career & Health Analysis!


This report will include the following:

Complete financial analysis:

Finance analysis covering income and expenditure along with money savings forecast

Current Financial situation

Wealth-acquiring capabilities & fortune

Financial gains and losses

Suitable Periods for investments

Detailed Dhana yoga analysis

Good and Bad periods for Finance matters to avoid unnecessary expenditure.

Health Analysis :

Immunity Analysis

The severity of the health ailments such as mild/chronic diseases.
Physical health analysis and mental health analysis.
Present health issue analysis with details including its severity covering various body parts.

Any remedies to follow as per horoscope planetary combinations for the betterment of health.

The following areas are analyzed in the complete career analysis: 

Good Period for the profession

Detailed raja yoga analysis covering promotions.
 Suitable fields for the profession.
Promotions expected periods
Problems in professional life and expected periods.
 Success in the Career whether excellent, average or below average.
Appropriate remedies for successful professional life.

Includes 1-year Health, Career & Finances analysis report.
